Hello everyone!
Today I am here with another Pinterest post, I hope you don't mind (let me know if you'd like more posts like this). Anyways, I have been pretty active on Pinterest for some time now, and I have A LOT of pinned pins. I have 52 boards in total, 26 likes (I'm not much of a liker on Pinterest, I just pin everything. And I mean EVERYTHING), 5.5k pins (yes, I know I'll probably never go through them, but let me be), 275 followers and I follow 575 people. If you would like to follow me as well, you can go to my profile HERE and click the follow button. Of course, you can always follow only specific boards, the ones that interest you the most. However, I think that was enough of introduction, and we can get started with my favorite pins and boards on Pinterest. P.S. You can click on the photos, and they'll take you to the pin or board mentioned:
Now, I have only 2 favorite pins, and the only reason they are my favorite is because they were repinned soooo many times. That actually really puzzles me, because I don't think they are the best pins on my profile, but what can you do.
1. Daily Workout Plan by Back On Pointe
This is by far my most popular pin. It has been repinned 435 times, and liked 125 times. It is a workout plan for each day of the week, but what is special about it is that it actually says it's not meant to be done all at once (in one day), but that you should set the goal to finish all the exercises by bed time. So you can do 20 jumping jacks in the morning and the rest the afternoon, or really do it either way that suits you. So this is actually a great pin. Do I follow this plan? Well... no :D
2. A Teacher's Guide to Social Media
This is my second most popular pin. It has been repinned 147 times and saved 17 times (do you see the difference between that one and the first one and how much more popular the first one is?). This is a pin that is supposed to help teachers integrate social media into their lectures. I am not a teacher, but I would like to become one (in 3 years would be perfect). I am on my third year of English language and literature, and I finished my third year on Information and communication sciences. So, hopefully I will be able to use this pin sometimes in the future.
Now let's move to my favorite boards! These are the ones I actually go back to and go through these pins.
1. Travel
This is actually the only board I will mention today that is not in any way connected to this blog. That is why I will talk about it first. Anyways, you don't know this about me, but my dream ever since I was about 10 years old was to visit London. And now, in February, my boyfriend and I are going there for 8 days and I can't wait for it. I'm super excited! This board is actually all about this trip, tips and tricks for travelling, low budget places (and yes, there are some in London), stuff like that, since we are planning this trip ourselves. I could use any advice there is, so if you know anything, please let me know :) Also, if you're from London and would like to meet, maybe go shopping together, show me cool stuff in London, I'm all for that! :) Anyways, I've started going through these pins, and writing down useful things, so this I actually put to use :D
2. Saving money
This board is kind of connected to my blog, but not really, haha. Pins that are in here are mostly getting free products for reviewing, plus some tips and tricks for earning some extra money (I would spend on this blog). Even though I looove pinning here, I don't really go back to it and actually use the advice that is in here. I should to that :D Also, a huge problem for me is that most of the things I find are not applicable to Croatian people, and I can't really use all the good stuff out there. But, when I find something cool, I will put it all down on a piece of paper, try it out and if it works, I'll do a post about it. If it works for Croatia, it probably works for everyone :))
3. Business
This is a post all about this blog, how to improve it, how to make things more appealing, how to get more followers, as well as how to start making money blogging. No, I am not thinking about making money blogging yet, but I am sure that one day that will be possible. I love this board, because ever since I started taking advice from these pins, I have had a huuuge increase in number of pageviews. P.S. I will soon write a post about the things I've started changing on my blog that resulted in the number of pageviews I have now :)
4. Photography
I haven't really used this board until recently. At first it was about photography in general, but then I decided to improve photography on my blog, and started to look for advice on Pinterest, and this is the result. It is mostly about product photography and how to set everything up so that it looks as professional as possible. I still use my iPhone for taking pictures, but I am actually planning to buy a real camera, not only for my blog, but also for our trip to London.
5. Hacks
This is the board I like to use for inspiration for my blog. My Pinterest Hacks- Tested! post was actually a result of using this board. I like to pin everything I find useful for myself, and for you guys, and I very often go through these pins and see what I can use for my blog. You seemed to like the Pinterest Hacks- Tested! post, so I've decided to do these things more often.
And that is it for my favorite pins and boards on Pinterest. Do you like this post? Would you like to see more of these posts on my blog? Link me your profiles on Pinterest in the comments and I will follow you :)
Thank you for reading :)
Have a great week!
See you soon! xxLabels: favorites, fun